Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Time to show off the American Spirit!

Thanksgiving is hours away!! And outdoor decorations are at full force  The entire family is finally coming back home and a big reception is in order. No matter whether you when ALL-OUT or just made some small touches to the house, I'd love to see what you came up too.

Here are two amazing houses! Hope to see what y'all did!! Happy Thanksgiving!! 

Photos from:

The time for celebration is almost here!

I wanted to showcase something that would apply to anyone's home no matter what you will be celebrating..

I saw this in the IKEA website and I just knew this was what I was looking for. Hanuka  Christmas or just a fancy family dinner, this setup will definitely make the evening feel like a special occasion.

Outdoor Living

I saw this Yard transformation and I must say I was blown away. A change like this will make all the difference when deciding whether to spend time outside or corner yourself in the living room.

I borrowed this from: - Thanks for the inspiration!

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Hard Work Pays Off

As you all well know my house is under reconstruction.. One of the new tables arrived and clearly my mother delegated the task of assembling it to my father..

I'd like to hear from all of you, is it generally the man in the house that assembles the furniture? Or do my female readers build their own purchases??

Sunday, November 11, 2012

New Addition to the Family

My post today is a bit out of subject but I am so excited about my new baby that I want to share it with everyone. This is Alfie, he is 8 weeks old and I adopted him yesterday from a rescue shelter.

Isn't He adorable?

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Two Rooms in One

I am always looking for new ideas to give my mom for the "guest room" (see how I use ", I still believe that is MY room =(  ). So I came across this idea, as you all know by now my mother is a BIG Ikea fan and one the perks of buying there is that most furniture is adjustable to your needs. SO, I found this, its a bookshelf that has been arranged, obviously, with a gap in the middle, the sofa placed in the center turns into a bed. Now with this smart arrangement you can get got both a library and a guest room, 2 for the price of 1! 

What do you think? Would you like this setup?